From psychos with mommy issues and deadly drag queens to flamboyant first victim and average homo Joe as one of the gang, gay characters and themes have been appearing in horror for decades. Here is a list of all the “straight” horror movies I’ve come across that flirt with gay male identities. For a list of specifically gay horror movies, see the homo horror movies page. Horror TV episodes and shows with gay characters can be found on the homo hell-evision page. A list of David DeCoteau homoerotic films can be found on the David DeHomo page. Horror flicks with a prominently hunky male cast are listed on the sausage fest scares page. Horror movie with delicious man bod scenes are listed on the stud stalking page. And finally, totally explicit gay horror porns are listed on the scary seXXX page.
ABC’s OF DEATH 2 (2014): For the letter J in this anthology film, director Dennison Ramalho takes on religion’s hatred of gays.
ABNORMAL ATTRACTION (2018): Silly monster comedy with plenty of gay humor. My blog here.
AFTER PARTY (2017): Hot, beary gay guy in the cast of characters in this slasher. My blog here.
AHOCKALYPSE (2018): One guy in this zombie hokey flick really seems on the verge of coming out, and a guy who owns a stripper club really enjoys how he works a pole. My blog here.
ALIEN PARTY CRASHERS (2017): When the gay guy is the life of the horror party. My blog here.
ALIENWEEN (2016): This Halloween splatter flick features a bitch treating her gay brother like shit. My blog here.
ALL ABOUT EVIL (2010): But she’s a cheerleader! In this gory campfest, Natasha Lyonne is also a psycho movie theater owner, and the theater is a fave with the drag queens. Plus, we get Elvira out of drag. I blog about the film here.
ALL HALLOWS EVE TRICKSTER (2023): Two cute gay boys in one story in this anthology make out in their car. My blog here.
ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD (2020): Including the gay guy? my blog here.
AMERICAN RICKSHAW (1989): Leading man Mitch Gaylord has a brief conversation with a gay acquaintance in this odd little 80s film. My blog here.
THE AMITYVILLE LEGACY (2016): Amityville goes gay! Kissing, spanking… My blog here.
AMITYVILLE THANKSGIVING (2022): two gay guys in love discuss their relationship in therapy. My blog here.
ANIMAL (2014): A gay “5th wheel” at first steals the show in this creature feature–but then turns into a nervous Nellie. I blog about the movie here.
ANDRE THE BUTCHER (2005): Lots of gay jokes and a gay guy in his undies with a boner. My blog here.
APRIL FOOL’S DAY (2008): Obnoxious gay guy shows off a nice bod in silver spandex boxer briefs. I blog about it here.
ASTRON-6 COLLECTION: The Astron-6 guys never miss an opportunity to be gay, and they take several of them in this anthology. My blog here.
ATTACKED ON SET (2012): Everyone’s attacked on set…except the gay tree hugger. He gets it in the woods. My blog here.
THE ATTIC EXPEDITIONS (2001): Seth Green gets cozy with Rick from Elm Street 4 in a crazy house. My blog here.
AXED (2012): The son in this one may be gay. My blog here.
AXEMAN 2: OVERKILL (2017): A gender fluid man and his lover are main characters in this slasher comedy. My blog here.
THE AXE MURDERS OF VILLISCA (2016): Major gay/straight buddy storyline in this one. My blog here.
BABY BLUE (2023): A gay man takes extreme measures to protect his husband from this movie’s supernatural serial killer. My blog here.
THE BACKLOT MURDERS (2002): Some backlot action for sure. A gay music video director steals the show with his over-the-top performance. I blog about the movie here.
BAD CONNECTION (2023): Perez Hilton has a brief scene as a gay doctor. My blog here.
BAD KIDS OF CRESTVIEW ACADEMY (2017): The gay guy gets some action. My blog here.
THE BAD MAN (2018): A straight man is trained for sex slavery…by a male gimp. My blog here.
BAGMAN (2018): Very campy and flirty gay dude in this slasher spoof My blog here.
BALLAD IN BLOOD (2016): The gay guys are the bad boys on the street harassing the main guy in this one. My blog here.
BASTARD (2015): In this brutal slasher, one of the main characters is a suicidal gay cop. My blog here.
THE BATES HAUNTING (2012): Indie flick about kids running a haunted attraction at Halloween. A gay dude with pink streaks in his hair has a crush on the male lead (I can understand why), and isn’t afraid to flirt with him. I blog about the movie here.
BAYOU GHOST STORY (2017): So much homoeroticism in this one you’ll be sweating buckets in the bayou. My blog here.
BEARRY (2021): A gay BFF puts the main girl through a speed dating session. My blog here.
BEDLAM (2013): A film focusing on abuse in mental institutions, with a lot of focus on the sexual orientation of the leading man. My blog here.
BETROTHED (2016): Every involuntary bride needs a gay sidekick. I look at the film here.
BEYOND EVIL (aka: Still) (2010): This horror anthology begins and ends with gay stuff! My blog here.
BIGFOOT AT HOLLER CREEK CANYON (2006): Bigfoot and backwoods gay stuff! My blog about the movie here.
BILLY CLUB (2014): A baseball slasher…with a gay kiss. And it’s a serious lip-lock. I blog about the movie here.
BITE SCHOOL (2015): The main beefy boy has a cute gay buddy…and has sex dreams about him. My blog here.
BLACK AS NIGHT (2021): The main girl’s BFF is a gay boy. But will he become vamp dinner? My blog here.
BLACK CIRCLE BOYS (1997): A bunch of trouble boys practice Satanism while shirtless—and have Donnie Wahlberg as their gay cult leader. My blog here.
BLACK DEVIL DOLL (2007): Black Devil Doll is more than just a bunch of white bimbos getting banged and killed by a black doll. He’s just out of jail, so he even likes to bang hairy man butt. I blog about the movie here.
THE BLACKENING (2022): This Black slasher comedy includes a main gay character. My blog here.
BLACK FRIDAY (2021): One of the main characters is gay in this holiday horror flick, and is as awful as a gay character can be portrayed. My blog here.
BLACK HOLLER (2017): Would you believe a nice gay couple helps save the day in this one? My blog here.
BLACULA (1972): In this 1970s black horror classic, an interracial gay couple scores a gold mine of antiques…including the coffin with Blacula in it! My blog here.
A BLADE IN THE DARK (1983): Lamberto Bava’s A Blade in the Dark follows the classic “gays/gender confused are the root of all evil” formula. I blog about the movie here.
BLEEDING HEARTS (2015): A cameo by one of the Village People, Rent’s Angel as a gay devil…I take a look at this one here.
BLOODBATH AT THE HOUSE OF DEATH (1984): This horror parody features a gay couple and Vincent Price verbally bitch slapping a gay cult member. My blog here.
BLOOD IS BLOOD (2018): He dresses in women’s clothing, but is he gay? My blog here.
THE BLOOD LET (2013): It’s vampires in an apartment building…along with a drag queen and a gay garbage man. My blog about the film here.
BLOOD PI (2020): A scantily clad psycho girl might be the college killer, but it’s the gay guy who gets the last laugh. My blog here.
BLOOD REDD (2015): Not a “gay horror” film, but this werewolf film focuses predominantly on two characters, and one of them is quite colorful. My blog here.
BLOOD WIDOW (2014): The gay guy never mentions his sexuality, but he doesn’t have to. His reaction to the killer says it all. My blog here.
BLOODY HOMECOMING (2012): Bloody homo? I blog about the movie here.
THE BLOODY INDULGENT (2014): Kevin of the Backstreet Boys is a devious vampire…and his friend thinks Kevin has turned him bi. My blog here.
BLUE SEXTET (1971): Hyrbid horror/whodunit with men in undies wrestling and making out. My blog here.
BODY KEEPERS (2018): A gay guy plays a crucial part in the plot. My blog here.
BODY PUZZLE (1992): a serial killer giallo slasher with a gay angle. My blog here.
BONG OF THE DEAD (2011): If it’s stoner buddy zomcom, you know there are going to be some gay moments. My blog here.
BONEJANGLES (2017): A fabulous cop takes on some hillbillies in this horror comedy, and comes out…well…not on top… My blog here.
BOOGEYMAN COMETH (2013): So much gay potential. Find out why here.
BRIDE OF CHUCKY (1998): A minor character is gay—too bad he doesn’t get it on with the gorgeous leading man.
BRING IT ON: CHEER OR DIE (2022): where there’s a cheer squad, there’s a gay guy. My blog here.
BRING ME A DREAM (2020): one character’s hidden sexuality serves as his fear in this flick. My blog here.
BROOKLYN 45 (2023): a gay character treated in 1945 style in this period piece ghost story. My blog here.
THE BROTHERHOOD V: ALUMNI (2009): This installment of David DeCoteau’s series goes slasher, and goes totally gay. There’s a gay hookup! My blog here.
BUCK WILD (2014): A gay geek hasn’t come out, but all his friends are okay with him being gay—as are the homo hillbillies that abduct him for some Deliverance style fun! My blog here.
BUTCHER, BAKER, NIGHTMARE MAKER (1982): This 1982 Video Nasty is so filled with gay stuff it should almost be considered a gay horror film. I blog about the film here.
BUNNY THE KILLER THING (2015): Sexploitation slasher goodness, with a non-discriminating, horny killer bunny. I blog about the film here.
BUTCHER BOYS (2012): Pretty boys. A drag daddy. Young men duct taped in bathroom stalls. I blog about the movie here.
BUZZARD HOLLOW BEEF (2017): There’s a rather fluid male couple in this Thanksgiving horror flick. Hot. My blog here.
CAESAR & OTTO FRANCHISE: It’s ambiguously gay comedy duo micro-budget indie horror parody madness loaded with b-movie icons! I blog about the movies here.
CAMP MASSACRE (2014): A bunch of big boys compete in a weight-loss reality show in this slasher, and one of them is a gay guy who openly expresses his love for meat. I blog about the film here.
CAMP SLAUGHTER (2005): Ignored and trashed 80s slasher homage by the director of Frat House Massacre has a gay character. I blog about the movie here.
CAMP WEDDING (2019): The gay BFF goes looking for action in the woods at this wedding. My blog here.
CANDY LAND (2022): a male hustler is one of the main characters of this sleazy slasher. My blog here.
CANDYMAN (2021): Even gay guys want a piece of Candyman in 2021. My blog here.
CARVED (2024): Out horror and sci-fi actor DJ Qualls gets to play gay in this killer pumpkin flick. My blog here.
CASSADAGA (2011): A young boy in a dress is suffering a serious identity crisis in this one. My blog here.
CATCH OF THE DAY (2014): In this creature feature comedy buddy movie, there’s a gay pride parade an a bona fide transgender confrontation in a subway. My blog here.
CAST A DEADLY SPELL (1991): Before frolicking with the boys on Oz, Lee Tergesen did drag in this horror comedy. My blog here.
CHERRY FALLS (2000): Pretty good slasher that kind of has you laughing out loud at the end features a fey young man who many still argue is NOT gay because it’s never stated directly. There’s also a cross-dressing twist. My blog here.
CHICAGO ROT (2016): a sleazy supernatural exploitation revenge flick—so of course there are drag queens and gay sex parties! I cover it here.
CHILD EATER (2016): Listen closely and you’ll hear the sound of a young cop referencing his appreciation of men. My blog here.
CHILDREN OF SORROW (2012): A religious cult movie in which a gay crush and kiss has consequences. My blog here.
CHILDREN SHOULDN’T PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS (1973): Early appearance of gay guys in horror. TWO gay characters! I blog about the movie here.
CHILL (2013): Scream queer Roger Conners plays the final gay! I blog about the film and interview Roger here.
CHIP & BERNIE’S ZOMANCE (2015): Chip and Bernie may have a zomance, but a redneck simpleton pours a little love on Bernie in this zomcom. My blog here.
CHOP (2011): Part Boxing Helena, part Misery. A ZZ Top looking leather daddy who loves Different Strokes and Boy Scouts plans to do something very nasty to our leading man…. My blog here.
THE CHOPPING BLOCK (2016) – How do things turn out for the gay geek in this slasher comedy? My blog about the film here.
THE CHOSEN (2015): A gay cousin comes breezing through the house in this possession film. My blog here.
A CHRISTMAS TO DISMEMBER (2016): A gay and his gaggle of hags are terrorized by a killer Santa in this holiday short. My blog here.
CLAW (2021): a stand-up comedian and her gay BFF battle a velociraptor in a ghost town. My blog here.
THE CLEANSING HOUR (2019): A drag queen is almost the star of an exorcism reality show. My blog here.
THE CLOWN AT MIDNIGHT (1999): In true late 90s fashion, the gay guy in this slasher is soooo out there. I blog about the film here.
CLOWN MOTEL (2019): There’s something queer in this clown motel, but I can’t quite put my finger in it. My blog here.
CLOWNS OF HALLOWEEN (2019): First story has a gay twist! My blog here.
CLUB DEAD (2015): A campy, flamboyant vampire feels up his male meal’s chest in this vampire comedy. My blog here.
COCAINE COUGAR (2023): a gay dude heads into the mountains to hook up with a hairy beast. My blog here.
THE COED AND THE ZOMBIE STONER (2014): In this trashy teen horror comedy, a cute guy gets finger banged by a rogue zombie hand…and later offers his ass up for a barebacking zombie cure. Another guy gets the zombie cure, only to turn into a drag queen! I blog about the movie here.
THE COFFEE TABLE (2022): the guy who sells a straight, married man a piece of furniture comes onto him.
COLD AND DARK (2005): Glory hole from hell! My blog here.
COLD FEET (2019): a bachelor party in which one of the tight-knit buddies is gay. My blog here.
CONDEMNED (2015): Unapologetic gay BDSM couple. My blog (and pervy pix) here.
THE CONVENT (2000): With a title like this, would you expect things to go good for a gay guy? My blog here.
COOTIES (2014): Sometimes, it takes the fear of children for a guy to come out. My blog about the movie here.
CRACKCOON (2024): The gays know how to deal with bad crack! My blog here.
THE CRAFT: LEGACY (2020): This sequel makes the rare move of exploring the feelings of a bisexual male. My blog here.
THE CRAVING (2011): Who better to serve a lesbian cannibal than a gay chef? My blog here.
CRAZY AS HELL (2002): There’s a very homoerotic scene at a urinal in which the focus of conversation and the doctor’s eyes are on his patient’s size (a patient who claims he’s Satan!). Plus, another patient makes specific reference to the purple Teletubby. I blog about the film here.
CRAZY BITCHES (2014): One gay guy amongst a sea of woman at a cabin in the woods in this wannabe slasher. I blog about the movie here.
CREEP (2014): A man answers an ad to film a dying man’s final days and things get creepy and queer. I blog about the film here.
CRISPY’S CURSE (2017): One of the main characters in this supernatural clown slasher comedy is a gay medium. My blog here.
CRUEL WORLD (2005): What’s reality TV without the gay guy? I look at this slasher here.
CURSED (2005): Cute but closeted asshole becomes more likable as film progresses. My blog here.
CURSED FRIENDS (2022): this diverse group of cursed friends includes a gay guy. My blog here.
THE CURSE OF HALLOWEEN JACK (2019): A gay guy is sort of one of the main characters…none of which stick around long. My blog here.
CURSE OF MESOPOTAMIA (2015): Studly bisexual dude in this odd film. My blog here.
CUTTING ROOM! (2005): As low budget as this one is, the guys are very funny…and all kind of gay. I look at the film here.
CYNTHIA (2018): The gay couple nearly makes this film one for the full homo horror movies page. My blog here.
DARD DIVORCE (2007): a sadistic queer kill scene in this torture flick. My blog here.
DARK TOURIST (2012): A dark serial killer film that dabbles in some controversial queer issues. My blog here.
DATE OF THE DEAD (2015): An anthology about straight dating, but there’s still some gay stuff! My blog here.
DAWNING OF THE DEAD (2017): Genuine, non-novelty gay character plays a crucial role in the survival efforts in this zombie flick. I blog about it here.
DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004): In the remake of the mall movie, an old queen first tries on women’s clothing and later talks to the security guards about his first gay encounter…while they are shirtless, which is kind of funny. My exhaustive blog on all Romero related films is here.
DAYS OF DARKNESS (2005): Zombie film with an incredibly hot gay dude—and that’s just for starters. I blog about the movie here.
DEAD SNOW 2: RED vs. DEAD (2014): A goth gay joins a zombie fighting team in this zomcom. My blog here.
DEAD TONE (2007): Obnoxious gay character. My blog here.
DEATH LINK (2021): An online influencer slasher with a queer twist. My blog here.
DEATHROW GAMESHOW (1989): A handsome gameshow host learns in a gruesome way that a prison inmate has the hots for him. I blog about the film here.
DEEP IN THE WOODS (2000): Old man in a wheelchair makes it quite clear what he wants to do with a blond pretty boy staying at his mansion. My blog here.
DEEP MURDER (2019): A good dose of gay stuff in this horror porn comedy. My blog here.
THE DEEP WEB: MURDERSHOW (2023): Two gay characters in one movie, but their appearances are so brief you might miss them if you aren’t paying attention. My blog here.
DELIVERY (2006): The big pizza delivery bear in this one gets invited to a gay pool party and hit on by a trans woman. My blog about the film here.
DEMONS NEVER DIE (2011): One of the guys joins a suicide pact in this slasher because he’s rejected for being gay. My blog here.
DETENTION (2011): Hot gay teacher gets onscreen kiss. I blog about the movie here.
DR. FRANKENSTEIN’S WAX MUSEUM OF THE HUNGRY DEAD (2013): Gay director Richard Griffin’s living dead movie features an over-the-top gay couple who show no restraint in flaunting their sexuality! I blog about the movie here.
THE DEVIL INCARNATE (1979): The Devil sells his apprentice’s ass to a rich gay dude. My blog here.
DR. JEKYLL AND MS. HYDE (1995): As if this one isn’t gender-bending already, Harvey Fierstein is very confused by his attraction to Ms. Hyde. My blog here.
DON’T FUCK IN THE WOODS (2016): No gays fuck in the woods, but one makes his presence known big time in this one. My blog here.
DON’T GO TO THE REUNION (2013): In this throwback slasher, a group of friends thinks their (hot) homophobic buddy is in denial about being gay. Meanwhile, it’s the straight guy who admits to liking getting poked in the arse…. I blog about the movie here.
DON’T LOOK (2018): This gay guy is willing to stare a masked killer in the face. My blog here.
DORCHESTER’S REVENGE: THE RETURN OF CRINOLINE HEAD (2014): Gay horror director Tommy Faircloth brings on the gay camp in this sequel, including a car full of bitchy drag queens. I blog about the film here.
DOUBLE EXPOSURE (1982): The gay guy in this one doesn’t let the straight assholes get to him. My blog here.
DO YOU BELIEVE? (2017): In this anthology there’s a gay cub in a story about a psychic support group. My blog here.
A DRAGONFLY FOR EACH CORPSE (1975): The gay dude in this giallo manages to avoid being targeted by a killer ridding the world of sinners. Awesome. My blog here.
DREAMCATCHER (2021): A gay hookup is about to happen in a bathroom—but we don’t get to see it. My blog here.
DRIFTWOOD (2006): Things I learned from Driftwood; when God turns against you, you better hope you have ghosts on your side. And also, there is same crazy religious reform school shit going on out there…for real. I blog about the movie here.
DUDE BRO PARTY MASSACRE III (2015): These frat boys make it very clear there are no girls allowed—and things get kind of queer as a result. My blog here.
EASTER BLOODY EASTER (2024): A gay guy in Playboy bunny drag leads townsfolk in a round of the Bunny Hop. My blog here.
EASTER BUNNY MASSACRE (2021): Would you believe the cute muscle dude is the closeted gay guy? My blog here.
EASTER BUNNY MASSACRE: THE BLOODY TRAIL (2022): there’s gay payoff—including a kiss—if you watch this Easter slasher all the way through. My blog here.
EASTER CASKET (2013): A beary priest likes drawing male genitals and masturbating to his work. I blog about the movie here.
EASTER EVIL (2024): A hooker and an erotic dancer played by a drag queen are stalked by a killer in a bunny costume. My blog here.
THE EDITOR (2014): This one features a barely closeted actor who’s hot for a detective. I blog about the film here.
EMPUSA (2010): Spanish horror hunk Paul Naschy’s final film briefly features a gay couple that encounters a vampire woman. My blog here.
EVERYONE MUST DIE! (2012): Most amazing about Everyone Must Die! is that it starts out pretty much as a gay slasher. Gay boys and lesbian gals head into the woods to camp—and they even have sex. The casting of the boys is great. A hefty, four-eyed geek is dating an annoying, blond white male rap star with a banging body and big ‘ol nipples. It appears that the geek is the cub top in their relationship! I blog about the movie here.
EVIL BONG: The franchise is sprinkled with gay moments, including an appearance by homoerotic horror director David DeCoteau. My blog here.
EVIL LAUGH (1986): This one takes on a gay life of its own. See my blog here.
FACELESS (1987): A gay and his muscle boy. My blog here.
FAMILY POSSESSIONS (2016): Mark Patton of Elm Street 2 doesn’t dance around being gay in this one. My blog here.
THE FAN (1981): It’s 1981, and Lauren Bacall gets stalked by a self-loathing homo. Imagine that. There’s BJ action. My blog here.
FANGED UP (2017): A prison vampire comedy with a lovable gay guy. My blog here.
FANTASY ISLAND (2020): The movie adaptation of the 1970s TV show keeps up with the times. My blog here.
THE FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS (1967): This farcical vampire comedy features a gay vampire attracted to one of the vampire hunters. My blog here.
FEAR NO EVIL (1981): The devil is a teenage boy who kisses boys in the locker room and gives them tits.I blog about the movie here.
FEAR TOWN, USA (2014): Comedy slasher spoof loaded with gay stuff and a transgender sexual encounter. My blog here.
FENDER BENDER (2016): Not the most original portrayal of a gay character, but this slasher has one. I blog about the film here.
FETISH FACTORY (2017): It may be a female cabaret show, but there’s a leather drag as well. My blog here.
FINAL STAB (2001): A David DeCoteau slasher that’s more than homoerotic for a change; two guys actually reveal they’re having a secret affair! My blog here.
5 YEARS AFTER THE FALL (2016): A zombie apocalypse survivor hopes to score a BJ from another guy looking for information. My blog here.
FLIGHT 666 (2018): A gay flight attendant (shocker) holds his own in this haunted plane flick. My blog here.
FRANKENSTEIN VS. THE CREATURE FROM BLOOD COVE (2005): A flamboyant gay guy hits upon predictable stereotypes. I blog about the film here.
FRAT HOUSE MASSACRE (2008): There’s no other way to say it. Frat House Massacre is f*cked UP. I blog about the movie here.
FREAKY (2021): A gay BFF helps the final girl to the bitter end. My blog here.
FRIED BARRY (2020): There’s a bit of man-on-man BJ action in this weird film. My blog here.
FRIGHT FLICK (2011): The man who brought us Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives delivers an old school slasher with two gay characters and out actor Chad Allen (in a straight role). I blog about the movie here.
#FROMJENNIFER (2017): Jennifer hires a gay assistant named Butch to help her get revenge on all men in this found footage flick. My blog here.
FROM WITHIN (2008): A film about faith, Satanism, a suicide curse…and a gay sex confession that comes out of left field! I blog about the film here.
FUN SIZE HORROR: VOLUME 1 (2015): 21 quickies (short films, I mean), and one of them features three spunky witches, including a colorful gay guy. I blog about the film here.
GALLERY OF FEAR (2012): One story in this anthology is a grisly LGBTQ backwoods horror tale. My blog here.
GEORGE: A ZOMBIE INTERVENTION (2009): Gay horror director J.T. Seaton does a zombedy splatterfest just as well as he does a creepy sexy gay horror short like “Nightshadows.” And he doesn’t forget to give it a little touch of gay. I blog about the movie here.
GERMAN ANGST (2015): One story in this anthology features a man kiss and a dude in drag. My blog here.
GET DEAD (2014): There’s quite a bit of gay stuff going on in this backwoods horror comedy. I blog about it here.
GHOST PROJECT (2023): a gay guy is part of a team of paranormal investigators that finds a pair of ghost hunting goggles. My blog here.
GHOST TEAM ONE (2013): When straight boys hunt a horny female ghost, things take some notably gender-bending turns. My blog here.
GINGERDEAD MAN 2 (2008): An old queen who enjoys death by sodomy. I blog about the movie here.
GIRLFRIEND FROM HELL (1989): this occult comedy has a funny moment in which a horny devil hunter doesn’t realize he has been transported from a female strip club to a gay male bar. My blog here.
GIRL HOUSE (2014): A movie about scantily clad chicks living in a webcam house…and they still managed to slip in a sexy gay couple! I blog about the movie here.
GIRLS WITH BALLS (2018): Don’t let the title fool you. There’s a man-on-man kiss in this backwoods comedy. My blog here.
GORY GORY HALLELUJAH (2003): A bisexual dude gets all the action in this campy comedy with zombies. My blog here.
GOTHIC (1986): Julian Sands shows off his splendid booty and kisses Gabriel Byrne. Meanwhile, Gabriel teases and taunts Wormtail from Harry Potter. I blog about the movie here.
THE GREENSKEEPER (2002): It’s a brief scene, but a cop sure has some fun with the boys. My blog here.
GREY SKIES (2010): Great to see a gay couple that actually kisses in this indie alien film. However, the main gay dude is an obnoxious bitch who treats his boyfriend like crap. But he does have a great line: “My car won’t start! Does anyone know how to work one of these? I’m gay!” My blog about the film here.
GUTTERBALLS (2008): EEK. Gutterballs features a male character in drag—but he dies a gruesome, graphic, and brutal gender reassignment death. I warn you…it is f*cked up. My blog here.
GUYS AT PARTIES LIKE AT (2024): Guys…and a gay…like sex and violence at this party. My blog here.
HACK! (2007): Fun gay guy sings “Fame” and gets the dumb jock to strip down to his bare booty. My blog here.
HALLOWEED (2016): Part of the comic stoner duo in this comedy slasher can barely keep his desires in the closet. My blog here.
HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021): I know it’s Haddonfield, Illinois, but it seriously took over 40 years for a gay couple to finally move in and celebrate the holiday.
THE HAMILTONS (2006): Who’s your daddy? The gay older brother of orphaned siblings in this vampire family flick. My blog here.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (2016): When two straight boys go to Mexico for some birthday fun, it’s not just candles that are going to be blown. My blog here.
HAPPY DEATH DAY (2017): A little gay surprise in this one…but I kind of totally called it before it was revealed when I watched it for the first time.
HAPPY LITTLE BUNNIES (2021): Where there’s a glory hole there’s, well, a gay guy and a dead dick. My blog here.
#FOLLOWFRIDAY (2016): A gay guy expresses his darkest fantasies on social media and shows off his bod on the dance floor. My blog here.
#SCREAMERS (2016): The man behind the camera in this found footage flick is gay. My blog here.
A HAUNTED HOUSE (2013): It wouldn’t be a Wayans horror spoof without loads of gay stuff. Marlon Wayans gets butt-in-the-air banged by a ghost. He also calls in a gay psychic who squeezes his nipples and dresses him in leather.
A HAUNTED HOUSE 2 (2014): In the sequel, Marlon Wayans gets pegged by Jaime Pressly and a white paranormal professor is the bottom bitch at a Mandingo party.
THE HAUNTED TRAILER (2014): Gay jokes abound—mostly in the context of incest between two redneck brothers. Plus, they have a drag queen mother. My blog here.
Homosexual sin and disturbing sexual torture are explored in this supernatural period piece. My blog here.
HAZARD JACK (2014): Nope, the muscle man in the pic isn’t the gay one. Actually, there’s a gay couple in this sexually charged slasher. They are more of the everyday bear variety and they’re just two of the gang. I blog about the film here.
THE HEADMISTRESS (2023): for me, a gay couple is the reason to watch this ghost movie. My blog here.
HEADSPACE (2005): A snarky queen is just one of the chess-playing gang in this one. My blog here.
HEARTLESS (2009): Mummification fetishism with a street hustler. I blog about the movie here.
HEARTS IN ATLANTIS (2001): a little bit of closeted queer bashing in King. My blog here.
HEATHERS (1988): Who can forget the gay photo op….
HEAVY MENTAL (2009): Our main guy gets a possessed guitar from his two dads in this campy horror throwback film. I blog about it here.
HELEN KELLER vs. NIGHTWOLVES (2015): The gay brother in this spoof of action horror period pieces steals the show. My blog here.
HELLBENDERS (2012): It is implied that two gay guys are doing shit with a bunny rabbit. I blog about the movie here.
HELL HOUSE LLC II: THE ABADDON HOTEL (2018): This time even two gay guys dare to enter the horror house. My blog here.
HELL HOUSE LLC III: LAKE OF FIRE (2019): A gay guy is part of the main cast. My blog here.
HELL’S KITTY (2018): Not since Dorothy has a switch from black & white to color and back been this gay. I look at the film here.
HIDE AND CREEP (2004): A guy running around completely naked for a majority of the movie gets offered a blowjob by a hick in a pickup truck. I blog about the movie here.
HIDE & GO SHRIEK (1988): Ah. The gay twist at the last moment. I blog about the movie here.
HOLE IN THE WALL (2014): Whatever you’d imagine an anthology film titled Hole in the Wall could be…it’s worse. Blog here.
HOLLA II (2013): Urban slasher sequel featuring a hot gay dude who does a strip tease and has a sexual encounter. I blog about the movie here.
THE HORDE (2016): Back to the old school gay stereotype in this backwoods horror. I look at the movie here.
HORNS (2013): Two burly cops admit their feelings for each other and then start to go at it in their squad car. My blog here.
HORROR HOSPITAL (1973): A drag queen takes center stage (on the floor) during a rock band’s performance, and a lecherous old gay real estate agent stares at the crotch of a male client before flirting with him. My blog about the film here.
HORROR IN THE HIGH DESERT (2021): We learn in just a few quickly lines of dialogue that the missing leading man in this found footage film is gay. My blog here.
THE HORROR NETWORK (2015): This horror anthology features an extremely graphic story with gay subject matter. My blog here.
HOUSE OF HORRORS: THE GATES OF HELL (2012): A gay goth is dying to work at a haunted attraction. My blog about the film here.
HOUSE OF PURGATORY (2016): Everyone pays for his sins at this haunted attraction – including a closet case. My blog here.
HUNTED (aka: Rufus) (2012): A young teenage vampire boy is the object of everyone’s affection, including a closeted young man. My blog here.
THE HUNTING (2021): The young gay guy in this small town werewolf flick admires the hunky cop’s ass. My blog here.
IBS: IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME: A total gross out film in which the guy with the stomach problems kills to alleviate the symptoms. One of his victims is a leather daddy. I blog about the movie here.
I HAD A BLOODY GOOD TIME AT HOUSE HARKER (2016): Just your everyday middle-aged gay guy is one of the leading men in this vampire comedy. My blog here.
I HEART U (2014): Gay marriage has infiltrated the horror genre! And Raine Brown is (one of) the groom’s fag hag. I blog about the movie here.
I KNOW HOW MANY RUNS YOU SCORED LAST SUMMER (2008): A cricket team is stalked by a psycho with a bat. The sexuality of a hairstylist is questioned…and another guy in a thong is flogged by the killer. My blog about the film here.
I’M JUST FUCKING WITH YOU (2019): Unfortunately, no one is fucking with the gay biker. My blog here.
INHERITANCE (2021): At the reading of a will, even the gays want a piece of the action…as does a masked killer. My blog here.
INMATE ZERO (2020) Zombies and female inmates in a prison. Oh…and a gay guy. My blog here.
INSIDE (2016): In this American remake of the French film, one character is rewritten as gay. My blog here.
THE INVITATION (2015): Pretty boy gay couple in this dinner gathering thriller. My blog here.
ISLAND OF DEATH (1976): The gay couple victimized in this exploitation flick are as gay as it gets in the 1970s. My blog here.
THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU (1996): Something kind of queer this way comes. I look at the movie here.
I SURVIVED A ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST (2014): In this zombie comedy about the making of a zombie movie features a mega hunk as the film’s star, and he’s rumored to be gay…which would explain the nudie male magazine he hides in his trailer. Blog (and pix of him) here.
IT: CHAPTER TWO (2019): Infamous for its controversial and triggering gay content from the moment it hit theaters.
IT’S A WONDERFUL KNIFE (2023): the gay brother of the final girl in this film gets a gay kiss. My blog here.
JACK AND JILL (2021): Our leading many is a pretty gay geek who has the hots for his hunky straight friend. My blog here.
JACK GOES HOME (2016): But does Jack go homo? Find out in my blog about the film.
JEKYLL & HYDE…TOGETHER AGAIN (1982): A cross-dresser finds himself a boyfriend before this comedy is over. My blog here.
JERSEY SHORE MASSACRE (2014): Amazingly, the flamboyant hairdresser doesn’t die…because the girls don’t invite him to the shore with them! I blog about the movie here.
JUAN OF THE DEAD (2011): One of zombie fighters is a flamboyant gay character. And while he’s part of the gang, he still deals with a lot of derogatory language. My blog about the film here.
KILLER FISH (1979): Lee Majors is gorgeous and a big fat effeminate, supposedly bisexual queen suffers a humiliating death like some sort of beached whale. I blog about the movie here.
KILLERS (1996): A gay cannibal has a crush? My blog here.
KILLER TONGUE (1996): Poodles turning into drag queens, kissing cops, Freddy and Pinhead falling in love… I blog about this one here.
THE KILLING GENE (2007): Just when the torture porn comes in at the end of this film, so does the gay stuff. My blog here.
KILL, GRANNY, KILL! (2015): This Bible-thumping killer granny hates the gays! I blog about the film here.
KILLING MR. RIGHT (2014): Rape/revenge horror takes a seriously gay turn in this indie, when a big horny slave boy is set loose on a poor guy some chick believes was her abductor and rapist! Pix of the big horny slave boy (along with my blog about the film) here.
KILLJOY’S PSYCHO CIRCUS (2016): The muscle boys and leather bears take an interest in Killjoy in this installment. My blog here.
KNIFECORP (2021): a gay couple is prominently featured and even gets a gay kiss. My blog here.
LADY KRAMPUS (aka: Mother Krampus 2) (2016): One of the main characters is scream queer Roger Conners as a drag queen. My blog here.
THE LAST EXORCISM (2010): When the gay character is finally outed, you kind of laugh. First, because we’re supposed to believe that in this backwoods redneck town, everyone knows the guy is gay…and he’s still alive. And second, **SPOILERS** because we learn that while straight guys may knock a be-otch up…gay boys will get a good girl possessed!
THE LAST THANKSGIVING (2020): The gay guy plays a significant role in this slasher. My blog here.
LETHAL EVICTION (2005): Every good apartment building slasher needs a drag queen tenant! My blog here.
LET’S KILL GRANDPA (THIS CHRISTMAS) (2017): There’s a gay twist—and gay censorship—in this one! My blog here.
LETTERS TO SATAN CLAUS (2020): In this spoof of Hallmark Christmas movies, the gay gets the guy…and a kiss. My blog here.
LET US PREY (2014): Religious horror—and the evil gay guy is the big bad shirtless killer! My blog here.
LIVELIHOOD (2005): A gay couple shows interest in a 1980s heavy metal singer in this zomcom. I blog about the film here.
LOVE IN THE TIME OF MONSTERS (2014): Hairy beasts, cute guys, and a gay dude who steals the show…especially when he gets his club kid groove on to distract the Bigfoot monsters! I blog about the movie here.
LOVE ME DEADLY (1973): The gay hustler in this one is pretty damn normal compared to the necrophiliacs. I blog about the film here.
MADHOUSE (2004): Mental institution horror has one sexually charged trans patient and a subdued gay male patient. I blog about the film here.
MANGROVE SLASHER 2 (2011): A couple of fab queens are just part of the gang in this slasher spoof. My blog here.
MARRY FUCK KILL (2023): Hot gay guy gets shirtless and some kissing action in this flick. I cover it here.
MASSACRE ON AISLE 12 (2016): The big gay store manager in pink has the hots for the new pretty in this horror comedy. My blog here.
MEMORY OF THE DEAD (2011): This one has a gay character and a pretty major gay twist. My blog here.
MERCHANTS OF DEATH (1988): A gay guy in a pink shirt gets in a bitch slap. My blog here.
MIDNIGHT 2 (1993): The killer is into a male detective’s nipples and the leading lady talks about her gay brother. I blog about the movie here.
MILFs vs. ZOMBIES (2015): A transgender guy, straight guys who like anal…I look at this zombedy here.
MRS CLAUS (2018): Prominent gay character in this holiday slasher. My blog here.
MISTER WHITE (2013): The big twist has nothing to do with the bullied kid you think is gay! My blog here.
MOLD (2022): as black mold infects people in an apartment building, a gay guy becomes one of the leads. My blog here.
MORTUARY (2005): One of the man kids is gay…and lasts almost until the end! My blog here.
MOST LIKELY TO DIE (2015): Gay entertainment blogger as the gay comic relief in this slasher. Plus, Brittany S. Pierce from Glee! I blog about the film here.
MULBERRY STREET (2006): There’s DEFINITELY a special emotional connection between our hunky tough guy lead and the gentle gay man living in his apartment building. I blog about the movie here.
MURDER PARTY (2007): Features a sex scene between two bisexual guys! I blog about the movie here.
MY BLOODY GALENTINE (2024): it’s a gal pal Valentine’s Day party…but will the gay guy be invited? My blog here.
MYSTERY SPOT (2021): this film is set at an isolated motel run by a sweet, older gay man. My blog here.
MY SUCKY TEEN ROMANCE (2011): Teen vampire comedy written and directed by a 19-year-old girl, but you’d never know it! This one has a really adorable, semi-gay character—who was edited out of the final version of the film! But he shows up in the deleted scenes. I blog about the movie here.
NECROPOLIS (1987): The essence of 1980s punk-new wave-New York City-trash horror, this film has it ALL. I blog about it here.
NEOWOLF (2010): A hairy scary BJ in this werewolf flick. My blog here.
THE NEW YORK RIPPER (1982): If you can look past all the mutilation of female body parts, you might spot the one gay guy in the film. I blog about the movie here.
THE NIGHT BEFORE EASTER (2014): A gay couple gets flirty in the woods before getting attacked by a killer. My blog about the movie here.
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 2: FREDDY’S REVENGE (1985): Yeah. You can write a film school term paper on the gay metaphors in this one. But there’s nothing metaphorical about the leather daddy gym teacher getting his chunky ass towel whipped. I blog about–and basically write a film school term paper about–the film here.
NIGHT OF SOMETHING STRANGE (2016): A zombie infection is spreading, sex is on the menu, and any ass will do in this zombedy. My blog here.
NIGHT OF THE DEAD (2009): A flamboyant mad scientist is totally into his baldy bear assistant. I blog about the movie here.
THE NIGHT OF THE VIRGIN (2016): A straight guy can’t get any, but the gay guys a floor above can. My blog here.
NIGHT TERROR (1989): This anthology features a Halloween party story with a gay guest. My blog here.
NIGHT VISION (1987): A drag queen has a thing for the main guy in this weird flick. I blog about it here.
NIKOS THE IMPALER (2003): Well dang. It stars Felissa Rose, the original Sleepaway Camp Angela. It also stars hunky himbo Joe Zaso. And there’s a gay couple. I blog about the film here.
NOBODY SLEEPS IN THE WOODS TONIGHT (2020): Someone will come out of the closet before the slashing is done. My blog here.
NO WAY UP (2024): Stuck underwater on a plane with shark…and a gay flight attendant. My blog here.
1 DEAD PARTY (2013): A very underplayed gay proposition is made in this dark killer comedy. I blog about it here.
THE OUIJA EXPERIMENT (2011): From the man who brought us Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives comes a freaky found footage movie, complete with a Ouija board, some humor, loads of jump scares, and a handful of cute guys, one of whom refers to the restroom as “the little girl’s room.” I blog about the movie here.
THE OUIJA RESURRECTION (2017): The sequel to The Ouija Experiment has a gay character. My blog here.
PANDEMONIUM (1982): You have to wait until the very last minute to get to the queer twist in this slasher spoof. My blog here.
PARANORMAN (2012): A zombie classic—with a shocking gay twist!
PARTY HARD, DIE YOUNG (2020): The gay guy waits until the last second to come out. Blah. My blog here.
PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE (1974): Horror master Brian De Palma’s horror musical features a flamboyant gay glam rocker named Beef. My blog here.
PIECES (1982): Could the creepy gay teacher be the killer? Or just a big pink herring? I blog about the movie here.
PIGSTER (2016): A gay guy barely admits he’s gay, but he does run around shirtless. My blog here.
PIN (1988): Is a young man in love with his anatomically correct male anatomy dummy? My blog here.
POOKA LIVES! (2020): The sheriff is gay in this one, and he’s one of the leads. My blog here.
PORNO (2019): A gay kid plays a crucial part in stopping the succubus in this horror comedy. My blog here.
PORN STAR ZOMBIES (2009): A cute guy pretends he’s gay so the director won’t think he’ll mess with the women while working on a porn set. There’s also a gay porn hunk going straight-for-pay and a drag queen porn star with a girlfriend. Porn Star Zombies has it all. I blog about the movie here.
POULTRYGEIST (2006): Troma gross out film with a gay Mexican fast food employee and tons of man butts (and stuff getting stuck up some of them). I blog about the movie here.
PRESIDENTS DAY (2016): Gay love cannot be denied in this zomcom, which kind of makes it a zomromcom. My blog here.
PRISON OF THE DEAD (2000): A David DeCouteau film in which male characters actually ADMIT they like men! I blog about the movie here.
PSYCHO BEACH PARTY (2000): This beach party slasher spoof features a drag queen detective and two hotties that are also hot for each other. My blog here.
PSYCHO SLEEPOVER (2008): One of the girls at this slumber party is a drag queen! My blog here.
PUNCH (2023): The killer in this slasher interrupts a gay hookup. My blog here.
PURGATORY ROAD (2017): Gay isn’t a sin on Purgatory Road! My blog here.
QUAD X: THE PORN MOVIE MASSACRE (2014): The gayest straight porn slasher comedy you may ever see. My blog here.
QUEEN KONG (1976): A gay dude is being swarmed by a female tribe at the beginning of this one, so he heads for the hills. My blog here.
RABID (2019): It takes place in the fashion industry, so it makes sense that there’s at least a gay couple kissing in the background. My blog here.
RAGDOLL (1999): One of the baddies in this doll revenge flick is a fabulously bitchy gay guy in a cowboy hat and tank top. I blog about the movie here.
RAGE (2020): Gay and queer questioning characters abound in this drug induced nightmare. My blog here.
RANGE 15 (2016): Simultaneously so hetero and so gay it should practically be on my homo horror page. My blog about it here.
THE RANGER (2018): Teen punkers slashed at a cabin in the woods, two of them a gay couple. My blog here.
RAVE PARTY MASSACRE (2017): Where there’s a rave, there are gays. I blog about the film here.
RAW (2017): It’s about a cannibal girl, and her gay roommate looks good enough to eat. My blog here.
REALITY KILLS (2002): What would a reality show be without a flamboyant gay guy? My blog here.
RED CHRISTMAS (2017): Abortion isn’t the only sin of the season in this slasher; there’s also a closeted holy man coveting his sister-in-law’s husband. My blog here.
REDNECK ZOMBIES (1989): Troma has always gone against the moral majority. In 1989, Redneck Zombies featured an openly gay army dude! Like, a really openly gay army dude. I blog about the movie here.
RED STATE (2011): Imagine an entire movie based on killing straight guys…because of gays! I blog about the movie here.
REEL NIGHTMARE: BOOK OF WITCHCRAFT (2017): College kids are making a student film about a trio of witches, and one of them is a token gay hottie. I blog about the film here.
REPOSSESSED (1990): This Leslie Nielsen/Linda Blair spoof of The Exorcist has a long scene in a gym loaded with gay humor. My blog here.
REQUIEM FOR A SCREAM (2022): the only 2 guys at this cabin in the woods are guy for each other. Yay! I cover the film here.
RESURRECTION COUNTY (2008): Where there are God-fearing hillbillies, there’s always butt bangin’! I blog about this one here.
THE RETREAT (2020): A major bromance in the woods is interrupted by a freaky creature…And possibly some suppressed feelings. My blog here.
THE RETREAT (2021): There are gay guys, but they give the spotlight over to the gay girls in this one. My blog here.
RING RING (2019): A bickering gay couple. How long do they last? I take a look here.
RITUALS (1977): A backwoods horror flick in which one of the main men is gay. My blog here.
ROAD HELL (2011): One segment of this horror anthology features a very horny, anything-goes vampire cult, with plenty of shirtless pretty boys feeling each other up and making out. My blog here.
RUSH WEEK (1989): In this college slasher, frat boys pretend to be the first gay fraternity. My blog here.
RUST 3 (2024): It’s a gay couple sneaking off for sex in this slasher. My blog here.
SALEM’S LOT (1979/2004): Gay innuendo in the original, blatantly gay character in the remake. I blog about it here.
SAM’S LAKE (2006): A gay best friend at a cabin in the woods! My blog here.
SARS Wars (2004): Stick around until the end of this slapstick zombie flick for a major gender-bending queer shocker! My blog here.
SANTASTEIN (2023): A closeted gay character becomes one of the final survivors in this Christmas horror flick. My blog here.
SAVAGE WEEKEND (1979): This is one snarky slasher gay! My blog about the film here.
SCARE ME (2020): An anthology with some gay gimp action. My blog here.
SCARE PACKAGE II (2022): there’s a nice juicy gay kiss in the wraparound of this anthology. My blog here.
SCARY MOVIE franchise: The Wayans Brothers just love including gay stuff in their spoofs.
SCARY STORY SLUMBER PARTY (2017): The intro story in this anthology is about a girl who goes psycho on the guy she likes when he tells her he’s gay. My blog here.
SCREAM 2 (1997): Blink and you’ll miss him. Hunky cop is mentioned as being gay. It counts!
SCREAM 4 (2011): Dude who says the new rules mean the gay guy doesn’t die comes out to Ghost Face! But does he just play gay to try and avoid the slay?
SCREAM MACHINE (2015): One story in this horror anthology focuses on a gay guy miserable in his life because he married a woman and is in love with Jeffrey Dahmer…which inspires him to kill. My blog here.
SECRET SANTA (2018): Isn’t the gay guy always the fun one at Christmas dinner? I blog about the film here.
SEED OF CHUCKY (2004): Jennifer Tilly keeps the camp coming, and we learn the shocking truth about Chucky’s offspring!
SERIAL KILLING 4 DUMMYS (aka: Serial KILLING 101) (2004): A militant gym teacher catches the eye of a couple of pretty boys. I blog about the film here.
SEVEN DORMS OF DEATH (2015): Psychic visions…of gay S&M! My blog here.
SHE CAME FROM THE WOODS (2022): A gay guy at a 1980s summer camp. My blog here.
SHED (2019): They’re not your usual gay couple—so I wish these two had played a larger role in this film. My blog here.
SHRIEKER (1990): A shirtless cutie regularly insists he’s not gay even though he has a hot bod. My blog about the film here.
S.I.C.K. (2003): A chick has a flashback to walking in on her boyfriend with another guy! My blog about the film here.
SICK FOR TOYS (2018): Some of the best Christmas gifts don’t need batteries… My blog here.
SIEGE (1983): Before the home invasion horror craze, this one took on that concept along with gay themes. My blog here.
SILENT SCREAMS (2015): Porn icon Ron Jeremy makes a very brief appearance as a gay neighbor. My blog here.
THE SINS OF DRACULA (2014): A heavy gay sex scene in this vampire comedy. I blog about it here.
THE SIREN (2019): Can a female supernatural entity land a gay man? My blog here.
SKULLDUGGERY (1983): So much gay stuff going on in this odd 80s flick it’s just easier if you read my blog about it.
THE SLASHENING (2015): A girls’ slumber party slasher that doesn’t leave out the gays! My blog about the film here.
SLASHENING: THE FINAL BEGINNING (2021): A funny gay couple gets a sexy kill scene in this slasher comedy. My blog here.
THE SLAUGHTER (2022): A Scream-style slasher with an interracial gay couple and a lesbian couple. My blog here.
SLAUGHTER PARTY (2006): A butt-banging psycho killer, plus, porn legend Ron Jeremy has his one-eyed monster on two man butts. My blog here.
SLAUGHTER WEEKEND (2010): Drag queen phone sex operator! My blog here.
SLEEPAWAY CAMP (1983): The traumatizing final reveal kind of makes you forget the man-on-man action at the beginning of the film. I cover all the films here.
SLIME CITY franchise: Where do you find gay punkers who convert straight men into gnarly monsters and homeless guys who will do the trick if you don’t want to pay for a prostitute? SLIME CITY! I blog about the movies here.
THE SNARLING (2018): A gay duo gets very little chance to be campy in this werewolf flick. My blog here.
SOMEONE’S KNOCKING AT THE DOOR (2009): A serial sodomy killer returns from the 1970s. I blog about the film here.
SOME KIND OF HATE (2015): An awkward homoerotic moment takes place during a bullying situation—it even makes one of the bullies uncomfortable! My blog about the movie here.
SONNY BOY (1989): David Carradine in drag, married to a big brute of a man. My blog here.
SOULKEEPER (2001): The two leading cuties dress up as male prostitutes…and save a real male prostitute from death! I blog about the movie here.
THE SPECIAL (2020): I can’t even explain in my blog why this film lands on this list of horror flicks with gay content without spoiling it. You’ll just have to watch it to the end for it to make sense.
SPLATTER BEACH (2007): Is the bodybuilder on the beach a closet case? That’s the big question. I blog about the movie here.
STEPHEN KING’S SLEEPWALKERS (1992): Predatory gay teacher anyone? A pervy teacher tries to get his hands on a male student’s goods. He doesn’t last very long…. I blog about the movie here.
STAGE FRIGHT (2014): Well first of all, it’s a slasher musical. There’s also a song about being gay, sung by two gay guys…who later kiss. I blog about the film here.
STAN HELSING (2009): A glory hole, gay leather porn, and Leslie Nielsen in drag. I blog about this horror spoof here.
THE STEPFORD WIVES (2004): Remade with a gay couple and a lot of camp. My blog here.
STEVE NILES’ REMAINS (2011): Very likeable gay character. And SERIOUS man meat. I blog about the movie here.
STITCHES (2012): Flamboyant and funny gay dude in this one, which is one of my favorite clown horror films. I blog about the movie here.
STORM OF THE CENTURY (1999): One character has a dirty and dark gay secret in this Stephen King miniseries. My blog here.
A STRANGER AMONG THE LIVING (2019): One main character is a married gay man. My blog here.
STREET TEAM MASSACRE (2007): Several guys give off a gay vibe in this slasher spoof. My blog here.
STRIPPED TO KILL (1987): Cutie Greg Evigan with a leather man magazine? And that’s not the only queer aspect of this one. My queer spoiler filled blog here.
STUFF STEPHANIE IN THE INCINERATOR (1989): You wouldn’t know by the cover art, but this one has a gay twist. Guess that’s why they call it a twist. My blog about the film here.
SUBURBAN GOTHIC (2014): A straight ghost hunter everyone thinks is gay, including his gay cousin and John Waters! My blog about the film here.
SUMMER OF BLOOD (2014): Despite being heterosexual, the leading man in this horror comedy has very homoerotic liaisons with the male vamp who changed him. I blog about the movie here.
SUPER HOT (2021): It’s never specifically referenced, but one of the main girl’s besties in this one is most definitely gay. My blog here.
THE TAINT (2011): No, this one doesn’t make the list because men turn into woman-hating, cum-gushing zombies. There’s actually a “gang” leader dude obsessed with fisting, working out, oiling up and posing, and wrestling with other guys. My blog here.
TAMARA (2005): Evil chick turns two dudes gay. My blog here.
TAMMY AND THE T-REX (1994): A gay friend helps Denise Richards get her boyfriend’s brain out of a dinosaur and back into his own body.
THE TASK (2010): Where there’s a horror movie about a reality show, there’s going to be a gay character! And this guy describes himself as”Totally off the hook” gay. I blog about the film here.
A TASTE OF PHOBIA (2017): As fears are explored, concerns about aging are thrown to young gay guys. I blog about the film here.
TEENAGE GHOST PUNK (2014): In this family film about a punk rock ghost, the next door neighbors are a gay couple. I blog about the film here.
TEEN LUST (2014): Where there are teens, sex, and satanism, there’s bound to be gay stuff. My blog here.
TERROR ON DEAD ISLAND (2010): Gay brother or not gay brother? My blog here.
TERROR TALES (2014): In this low budget anthology, there’s a Christmas mummy, and he heads to a party, where he really…um…makes a gay guy’s head turn. My blog here.
TERROR TRAIN (2022): for the two gays to appear only fleetingly but with a hot kiss is quite satisfying. My blog here.
TEXAS VOODOO ZOMBIES (2016): A horny redneck daddy bear has his eye on our main man in this zombedy. My blog here.
THANKSKILLING 3 (2012): The majority of the characters in this warped sequel are puppets, including a gay worm. Okay, he’s more like an involuntary post-op transgendered worm. But he pretty much identifies as gay. I blog about the movie here.
THAT’S A WRAP (2023): a gay kiss and a blowjob in this slasher flick. My blog here.
THEATER OF HORROR (2018): It’s horror in a theater. Of course there’s a gay guy. I blog about it here.
THEATRE OF BLOOD (1973): Not only is there a gay theater critic with two poodles in this film, but Vincent Price disguises himself as a queeny hairdresser! I blog about the film here.
THERE’S SOMEONE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE (2021): it’s not often that the jock is the gay guy. My blog here.
THE THIRST (2006): A submissive boy at a sex club gets very flirty with the hot main guy in this vampire film. My blog here.
30 NIGHTS OF PARANORMAL ACTIVITY WITH THE DEVIL INSIDE THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (2013): stereotypical gay Latin manny in this horror spoof. My blog here.
THIS IS THE END (2013): Channing Tatum as a butt bitch and much talk of James Franco’s gay side.
TIL DEATH (2013): In this short horror comedy about 4 guys who kill their wives, one of the guys is a closet case! The film is included in The Hillbilly Horror Show volume 4, which I blog about here.
TOO SCARED TO SCREAM (1985): This is essentially a closeted gay slasher packed with gay stereotypes, which I outline here.
THE TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN (1976/2014): In the first film, cops go undercover…in drag! And in the sequel, a gay hookup is interrupted by the killer. I look at both films here.
CITIZEN TOXIE: THE TOXIC AVENGER PART IV (2000): Desperate to stay relevant, Toxie goes bottom for gay sex! I blog about the film here (with shocking pix!).
TRAILER PARK OF TERROR (2008): One character does a bit of cruising with an adorable redneck in a diner. Also, a big bad zombie ghost gropes another hot dude’s ass long and hard. I blog about the movie here.
TRAIN (2008): The gay character (who sports some nipple rings) makes a straight boy run through a train in his jockstrap. I blog about the movie here.
TRANSYLMANIA (2009): A sexually confused college student scores a gay kiss in this horror spoof and a cutie gets a dildo shaped bag of drugs shoved up his butt. I blog about the film here.
THE TRIP (2021): three home invaders, and one of them is gay and horny for man ass. My blog here.
TROMEO & JULIET (1996): It’s Troma doing Shakespeare, so is it any surprise there’s a gay kiss between Tromeo and his best friend? I blog about the film here.
TRUTH OR DARE (2018): Mainstream tween horror with a gay guy who’s just part of the gang! My blog here.
TRUTH OR DIE (2012): When a group of friends is tied up and tortured by a guy who throws around gay slurs like they’re not going out of style, you just know that something really gay is going to happen in the end. I blog about the movie here.
2001 MANIACS (2005)/2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS (2010): Adorable gay dude hooks up with one of the burly maniac hicks in the original. The gay maniac is back for more man flesh in the sequel. I blog about the movies here.
UGLY SWEATER PARTY (2018): If there’s a Jesus camp, there will be gay fantasies. My blog here.
UNCLE PECKERHEAD (2020): It’s not a punk band unless there’s a gay bear and a peckerhead. My blog here.
VAMP U (2013): While there’s plenty of gay humor, Vamp U also has a funny homoerotic scene of the handsome vampire college professor easily seducing the hot gay student who has a crush on him. I blog about the movie here.
VENOM (2005): Listen carefully. It’s mentioned during a bitchfest that one dude is gay. my blog here.
V/H/S: VIRAL (2014): One of the tales in this third installment of the franchise shows us the face a straight guy makes when a dude’s wanger is waved in his face…. My blog here.
VINDICATION (2006): Dark indie horror that definitely has some homo horror moments. I blog about the movie here.
THE VOID (2016): One tale about a suicide Website features a gay man whose boyfriend was pressured into killing himself by Internet trolls. I blog about the film here.
VOODOO RISING (2016): A gay character gets all the good screaming lines in this backwoods horror. My blog here.
WARLOCK (1989): A gay guy gets to suck face with a Warlock. It doesn’t end well. My blog here.
WARNINGS (2019): A gay couple gets much of the focus in this backwoods slasher. My blog here.
WAXWORK II: LOST IN TIME (1991): A king’s rather queer henchman glams it up with makeup…so he’s sort of like…the queen. My blog here.
WE ARE WHAT WE ARE (2010): The English version of We Are What We Are essentially reverses the genders of all the main characters. This means the absence of a scene from the Mexican original in which one of the brothers picks up one of his male victims at a gay bar.
WEEDJIES: HALLOWEEN NIGHT (2020): A gay couple makes Halloween fun. My blog here.
WEREWOLVES WITHIN (2021): a gay couple shares the spotlight with the other leads in this small rural town horror comedy. My blog here.
WITCHING & BITCHING (2013): The two hottie lead males in this amazing witch flick are forced to suck face. Plus, there are two gay couples, one of them being a couple of drag witches! See the kiss pic here.
WITCH HUNT (1994): This horror comedy features drag queen Lypsinka as the madam at a whorehouse. My blog about the film here.
WITCHOUSE II: BLOOD COVEN (2000): The gay guy in this film barely gets a chance to proclaim his sexuality before becoming a witch’s bitch. My blog here.
WOLF HOLLOW (2023): two gay guys take part in an all-out werewolf war. My blog here.
WORST LAID PLANS (2023): the first story in this anthology features two gay male leads that are into each other. My blog here.
WRONG TURN (2021): A gay couple of color in this reboot, and it doesn’t end well for either of them. My blog here.
WTF! (2017): Perez Hilton plays a gay guy at the beginning of this slasher, but doesn’t make it to the cabin in the woods. However, there is a dude everyone thinks is gay…and another that sniffs some hairy man pit. My blog here.
Z: A ZOMBIE MUSICAL (2007): A town of zombie debauchery is loaded with queers. My blog here.
ZIPPERFACE (1992): While this slasher is about a heterosexual S&M killer, there is a scene of a drag queen being chased by a sleazy biker gang. My blog about the film here.
ZOMBIE DEATH HOUSE (1987): Prison bitches who worship Dolph Lundgren. I blog about the movie here.
ZOMBIEGEDDON (2003): Lloyd Kaufman has serious gay panic in this film and a big baldy cop gets off on pulling over cars full of young guys and talking dirty to them. I blog about the movie here.
ZOMBIE SPRING BREAKERS (2016): There are so many gays in Ibiza one is bound to be the cause of the zombie outbreak. My blog here.
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