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Category Archives: Movie Times & Television Schedules – Staying Entertained
I am a Virgin in Candy Land
It’s a double feature of devilish debauchery, but are sex and blood enough? I AM VIRGIN (2010) This is an earlier film from the director of the zomcom Stripperland, which features a gay hero, so I was hoping maybe there … Continue reading
TUBI TERRORS: another round of slashers
It’s a Mickey Mouse killer, a killer competition, and a slasher comedy that kills it with the comedy but not so much with the slashing. Let’s see if any one of them is worth watching. MOUSE OF HORRORS (2025) This … Continue reading
TUBI TERRORS: more masked killer horror
This was a mostly disappointing triple feature of masked killer movies for me, so let’s find out why. THE SCOUT (2021) When you feel the need to pack your IMDb movie page with reviews from friends saying things like, “so … Continue reading
It all happened in the last twenty minutes
There are all kinds of terrors in the latest triple feature from my streaming watchlist, but all three movies have one thing in common—nothing really happens until the final act. Let’s find out if it was worth watching the first … Continue reading
BOUGHT ON BLU: another possessed girl, a sleazy remake, and a horror anthology
The three latest additions to my collection were blind buys—one was included with a 3-movie set that I bought for one of the other films, the second is a remake of an 80s trash classic so I felt obligated to … Continue reading
Slashing at a cabin in the woods, on a college campus, and at an office Valentine’s party
If you love slashers, here’s a trio you might find satisfying. THE BENCH (2024) How dumb am I? When I read the brief description of this film on IMDb, I seriously thought it was about a bunch of kids at … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged gay horror, Initiation, My Bloody Galentine, slashers, The Bench
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New millennium undead of Bruno Mattei
The director of 80s Euro horror like Hell of the Living Dead, Rats: Night of Terror, Scalps, Night Killer, and The Other Hell came back for more after the new millennium kicked in, and the results are totally nostalgic. THE … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Island of the Living Dead, living dead, The Tomb, undead, Zombies, Zombies: The Beginning
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When zombies rip out your insides and tug on your heartstrings
These two flicks are more than just gut-munching fun. In fact, flesh-eating takes a backseat to character-driven stories. So how did that work out for my short attention span? Let’s find out. DIE ALONE (2024) Don’t expect a Frank Grillo … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Die Alone, infected, living dead, Outside, undead, Zombies
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TUBI TERRORS: a werewolf, zombies, and underground dwellers
This was a pretty satisfying triple feature for me, despite each of these movies having some flaws. The cool creeps and creatures alone gave me a little jolt of horror, and that’s all I really ask these days. WE ARE … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Harmony Falls, living dead, The Pack, undead, We Are Zombies, werewolves, Zombies
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It came from the early 1990s
I needed a nostalgic trip back in time this past weekend, so I dug up three flicks from the days of cable movies and video rentals (those were the days), and it was a pretty satisfying marathon. EVIL SPIRITS (1991) … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Evil Spirits, Full Eclipse, slashers, werewolves, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
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