Tag Archives: demons

TUBI TERRORS: backwoods horror, Lovecraft creatures, and sex and violence at a frat house

This is one chaotic trio of films, but they sure did hold my attention. Let’s get right into them. THE CAMP HOST (2024) This little film is so odd that I found it quite entertaining. It at first seems to … Continue reading

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BOUGHT ON BLU: an 80s Italian horror double feature

It’s a double disc release of 2 horror movies from Italian director Marcelo Avallone, neither of which I had ever seen before purchasing the set. Both of them have enough whacky 80s Euro horror elements to leave me satisfied and … Continue reading

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TUBI TERRORS: zombies, ghosts, and an exorcism

I watched this assortment of indie horror flicks so you don’t have to…unless you like what you hear. SHIFTED (2022) I did not know what to expect going into this film that at first felt like it was going to … Continue reading

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SHUDDER AND SHRIEK: there’s something supernatural in the air

Demons, possession, ghost girls—this trio of flicks from my Shudder watchlist definitely deliver on the ghoulish tormentors, but are they worth a watch beyond the horror eye candy? ELEVATOR GAME (2023) If you’re looking for yet another film in the … Continue reading

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A possessed kid, a shark, and a horror hunk walk into my watchlists

It’s a mish-mosh of movies in my latest marathon, but one is a definite winner for me. Let’s find out which one. OF THE DEVIL (2022) I have to give this low budget possession flick credit for having a few … Continue reading

Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A possessed kid, a shark, and a horror hunk walk into my watchlists

TUBI TERRORS: a demon house, found footage, and a horror anthology

Surprisingly, the longest of these three selections from my watchlist was the most interesting of the bunch. Let’s find out why. SITE 13 (2023) This film didn’t do it for me, but I respect the variations in plot points as … Continue reading

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TUBI TERRORS: three from 2023

It’s two supernatural/demon themed flicks and one slasher…and I had fun with two of the three. THE HOLY TRINITY (2023) This low budget attempt at an Evil Dead setup is cheesy with hokey 80s style and lightning bolt magic effects … Continue reading

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PRIME TIME: hotel ghosts, a summer camp slasher, and a mad mommy demon

All three of these flicks brought to mind movies of past decades, so I did get some retro satisfaction out of at least two of them. Let’s take a look. THE OVERNIGHT (2022) I guess it doesn’t matter to newer … Continue reading

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PRIME TIME: demons, cults, and home invaders

Time to look at an odd triple feature I selected from my Prime watchlist. One of the movies even has a queer aspect…briefly. SAVING GRACE (2023) Argh! This movie has its moments and some clever aspects, but it all gets … Continue reading

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PRIME TIME: aliens, exorcism, and a slasher

This trio of films from my Prime list for a movie marathon worked out for me, because there was satisfying horror to be had in all three flicks. ALIEN INVASION (2023) Running 73 minutes long, this little alien flick gets … Continue reading

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