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Tag Archives: supernatural
Six flix from all over the horror map
With days off due to the holidays and snowstorms, it was time to clean horror house, catching up with a bunch of stuff in my watchlists and on my “to see” list. So, was it time well spent? Let’s see … Continue reading
I went through Amityville hell and lived to tell about it
It’s the franchise that just won’t die. After the 2005 remake, the horror got resurrected in the new decade with loads of indie titles taking on the Amityville universe. I can’t believe I just said the Amityville universe. Here’s the … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Amityville Asylum, Amityville Death House, Amityville Exorcism, Amityville Island, Amityville Theater, Amityville: No Escape, Amityville: The Awakening, Amityville: Vanishing Point, demons, gay horror, ghosts, possession, supernatural, The Amityville Haunting, The Amityville Legacy, The Amityville Playhouse, The Amityville Terror
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STREAM QUEEN: various apparitions and creepy crawly creatures in the shadows
As usual, there were various degrees of entertainment to be found in my latest selection of movies. And as usual, the most polished films are the ones that I would have been fine with skipping… PARANORMAL APPARITION (aka: Cold Blood … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged 2 Bedroom 1 Bath, Blood Hunters, Blood Woods, creature features, ghosts, Paranormal Apparition, supernatural, The Autopsy of Jane Doe, Totem
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STREAM QUEEN: you’ve seen it all before…but which do you want to see again?
Found footage, slashers, ghosts, crawling girl ghouls, etc. How badly do you want to be scared in the same way you have dozens of times before? This is a bunch of quickies I figuratively crossed off my watch lists—and got … Continue reading
The last Horrrah of October 2017
Okay, it’s time for a bunch of modern horror quickies, from creatures to clowns, to ghosts and girls. CIRCUS KANE (2017) It’s killer clowns, reality show horror, and haunted attraction horror all wrapped into one film. And it’s fast-paced and … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, Sound Check - The Songs Stuck in My Head, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged aliens, Be Afraid, Circus Kane, creature features, Extraterrestrial, ghosts, horror comedies, Patchwork, slashers, Stickman, supernatural, The Diabolical, The Sandman
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The small woman in grey is out for the gays…
Backwoods horror meets supernatural slasher with gay leads and a complex twist in this indie film. Despite budget limitations, this is a fun little romp with some witty moments (the snarky blonde in the main group rules), cute guys, some … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged gay horror, slashers, supernatural, The Small Woman in Grey
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Killer clowns from a torture chamber…and a coffin…and an app…
Big nose, painted face, flaming orange hair, nasty grin. The plot to desensitize the world to scary clowns is never-ending. And you can’t get away from them in horror flicks either – killer dolls, slashers, zombies, anthologies, Halloween films… They’re … Continue reading
Three degrees of horror separation
Maxine Bahns, John Schneider, Andrew Bowen. Scarred, Smothered, Conjurer. Three names, three movies, and the horror ties that bind them together! SCARRED (2005) It always comes back to me getting my jollies from the most simplistic, trashiest horror selections in … Continue reading
Posted in The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Conjurer, horror comedies, Scarred, slashers, Smothered, supernatural, witches
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STREAM QUEEN: guys and dolls
It’s another mish-mosh of flicks I just tossed into my Prime watchlist and watched because, you know, they’re just sitting there. So are any of them worth checking out? THE CURSED (2010) The Cursed boils down to your basic 21st … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Charlotte, dolls, horror anthologies, horror comedies, living dead, slashers, supernatural, The Cursed, The Unkindness of Ravens, undead, Zerpes, zombedies, Zombies, zomcom
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STREAM QUEEN: darkly comic quickies
I feel like I’m starting more and more blogs off with “I’m a whore when it comes to (insert subgenre here).” So, ditto for horror comedies and dark comedies. Naturally, I throw any shit that hits streaming and fits the … Continue reading