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Tag Archives: found footage
Direct to DVD and Streaming: Jason Mills
I have to say, no streaming service introduces me to more indie directors whose work I end up following than Amazon Prime…which makes it kind of frustrating when Prime only has some of that director’s films! As is the case … Continue reading
Cleaning out the DVR: The Summer 2017 Edition
With streaming services consuming our lives these days, and the fear that if we don’t watch that shit fast it’ll be gone, I’ve been putting off viewing DVR recordings for longer periods of time. It was getting all blocked up, … Continue reading
STREAM QUEEN: stab orgy, men and mutants, demon creature in the woods
My latest streaming marathon was a complete smorgasbord, but there’s definitely a winner in the bunch for me. ATROCITY (2014) Ah…another “horror” movie about the pricks society is producing these days. And to make it even more obnoxious, it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Atrocity, creature features, demons, Eyes of the Woods, found footage, gay horror, Where The Journey Ends, Zombies
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Queer/gender identity horror goes found footage?
2016 film 2 Jennifer is sort of a “spinoff” of the 2013 film To Jennifer, which gained notoriety for being shot on an iPhone, but you don’t need to see that film to see this one. But in a nutshell, … Continue reading
Ghost Team One – is a found footage film porn if It’s about a horny ghost?
This is the kind of indie horror comedy/semi-parody movie I can really appreciate, because the young cast nails the material with just the right comic tone, timing, and delivery. Plus, it weaves nonstop dirty sex humor into a traditional found … Continue reading
Just axe and you shall receive…but not an axe
What to do when you stream two movies with the word “axe” in their titles…but very little axetion in the axetual films? Blog about them, of course! AXEMAN (2013) Director Joston Theney’s Axeman 2 is already on the way, and … Continue reading
Exorcising those found footage demons
With possession films, found footage films, and the combination of both all the rage these days, I try to avoid that combination as much as possible. Once in a while, I cave and watch a popular title, or slip and … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged exorcism, found footage, possession, The Devil Inside, The Quiet Ones
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It’s Halloween…I wouldn’t go in there if I were you
Looking for cheap thrills on Halloween is all tricks and treats…until someone gets killed. That’s what kids learn in this trio of flicks I streamed in June because I just needed a dose of the holiday season. 6 DEGREES OF … Continue reading
STREAM QUEEN: trying to get a grip on reality
If you’re in the mood to just kick back on the couch, lights out, a big bowl of popcorn and a 2-liter of cherry cola in hand, and be scared silly with some mindless horror fun, then this is not … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged found footage, It Watches, occult, Pinwheel, supernatural, torture porn
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Horrors from the water, the sky, and…the vents?
This trio of films offers some familiar (and some cute) faces and favorite subgenres, but is that enough to make them worth a watch? DARK HOUSE (2014) Had this one on my “must-see” list for a while because a) delicious … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged aliens, creature features, Creature Lake, Dark House, found footage, slashers, supernatural, Thirst
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