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Category Archives: Living in the 80s – forever
1989 Troma children zombies vs. 1998 Troma ass crack zombies
One thing is for sure—it’s never dull writing about Troma films. Here we have cannibal kids from the end of the 80s, and cannibal crack from the end of the 90s, and they are two very different experiences. BEWARE – … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged 1980s, 80s, Beware – Children at Play, Buttcrack, cannibals, gay horror, horror comedies, zombedy, Zombies, zomcom
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MONSTERS steps out of the 80s closet
With so many “scary story” shows released in the 80s (Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, The New Twilight Zone, Freddy’s Nightmares, Friday the 13th: The Series, The Ray Bradbury Theater, Amazing Stories, The Hitchhiker), I’d say Monsters … Continue reading
“BRAINS!” or, zombies that think with their dicks – The Taint
Sure, The Taint is a totally tasteless gore flick, but if you miss the days when Troma movies were more than just fart noises and shit visuals (back in the 80s) and actually stuck to a horror theme while still … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy
Tagged 1980s, 80s, gay horror, horror comedy, The Taint, Zombies
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The made-for-TV movies of Lamberto Bava
Actually, these are only two of four Bava films made for a cable series back in 1987, the other two being Until Death and The Ogre. The Ogre was eventually released as one of the many bogus “sequels” to Demons … Continue reading
Posted in Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged 1980s, 80s, Dinner with a Vampire, Graveyard Disturbance, Zombies
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Well rip out my brain and f*ck me with an alien
On a summer night in the late 80s and early 90s, when television was offering nothing but repeats, you’d rent movies like Brain Dead and Transformations, sit in front of a fan set to high, then blast the TV so … Continue reading
2008 – 2011 and still going for that 80s slasher feel!
Will filmmakers’ attempts to recreate the vibe of 80s horror films ever be replaced by—I don’t know—homages to Asian horror of the 2000s or imitations of mainstream ghost films of the 2000-teens? We’ll just have to wait and see. Until … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Sound Check - The Songs Stuck in My Head, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged 1980s, 80s, Blood Junkie, Gutterballs, Mental Scars, Raymond Did It, slashers
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Stream Queen 11: Not your typical masked killer slashers
Each of these three psycho killer flicks—horror comedy, cabin in the woods slasher, and found footage—cover various styles and subgenres. And have notable moments, but none of them fully won me over. Here’s the good and the bad of each. … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Cut/Print, found footage, gay horror, horror comedies, Hot Blood Sundae, Ice Cream: The Remix, slashers, The Killing of Jacob Marr
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Teenage Zombie vs. Teenage Demons!
They came at the end of the 80s VHS horror era. So which is better, I Was a Teenage Zombie or Ghoul School? I WAS A TEENAGE ZOMBIE (1987) This fantastic low-budget mess is a teen horror comedy that needed … Continue reading
Posted in Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, Sound Check - The Songs Stuck in My Head, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged 1980s, 80s, demons, Ghoul School, horror comedies, I Was a Teenage Zombie, zombedy, zomcom
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Stream Queen 10: from supernatural to slashers
My latest streaming selections include a prison with an unseen presence, a slumber party slasher with plenty of half-naked babes, and a Euro horror film that has it all—a psycho killer, ghosts, and the undead! INSIDE (2012) Is it a … Continue reading
You’ve entered the 80s Twilight Zone (I wish!).
Why a Twilight Zone reboot? Anthology shows featuring stories of the unexpected and inexplicable were booming back in the 1980s: The Ray Bradbury Theater, Tales from the Crypt, Tales from the Darkside, Friday the 13th: The Series, Freddy’s Nightmares, Tales … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged 1980s, 80s, gay horror, horror anthologies, The Twilight Zone
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