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Tag Archives: supernatural
Horror directors doing horror writers in the 90s
It feels like the close of the millennium was the end of the era of horror movies based on iconic authors (although Stephen King has made a big comeback lately). So I thought I’d take a look back at a … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged creature features, Dagon, Lord of Illusions, Phantoms, Sleepy Hollow, supernatural, witches
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SAY WHAT? 4 flicks in foreign languages
Alien creatures, Bigfoot, infected folks, demonic possession…these are a few of my favorite things. But did other countries do them right? Let’s take a look. DEAD SHADOWS (2012) The 74-minute length had me doing a happy dance…until the movie ended, … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged aliens, Cold Ground, creature features, Danny’s Doomsday, Dead Shadows, demons, found footage, ghosts, infected, Luciferina, possession, supernatural, Zombies
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Candyman. Candyman. Candyman. Candyman…I can’t do it!
Short of Rawhead Rex, which I love but author Clive Barker apparently hated, Candyman for me is the ultimate movie based on his work. In 1992 it was surrounded mostly by desperate attempts to keep 80s franchises alive as well … Continue reading
You have to love all those disastrous sequels of the 90s…or do you? Let’s take a look at six of them. PET SEMATARY II (1992) This sequel to an adaptation of a Stephen King classic is the epitome of the … Continue reading
STREAM QUEEN: 6 more degrees of Bill Oberst Jr.
After my first marathon, it’s time for another round of six flix featuring an appearance by Bill Oberst Jr., one of my favorite indie horror actors. DEADLY REVISIONS (2013) This is one of those films that as a whole wasn’t … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Ayla, backwoods horror, Deadly Revisions, Dismal, gay horror, horror anthologies, living dead, slashers. Children of Sorrow, supernatural, The Chair, torture porn, undead, Zombies, Zombieworld
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It happened at the end of the first decade of the new millennium
Vampires, ghosts, demons, zombies, slashers… For me, there’s one film worth digging out of this wreckage of films from 2007 and 2008. REVERB (2008) I like the premise of this one a lot. It’s the execution that ruins it for … Continue reading
Posted in Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, Scared Silly - Horror Comedy, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Botched, Brotherhood of Blood, demons, ghosts, horror comedies, Jack Brooks Monster Slayer, possession, Reverb, slashers, supernatural, The Messengers, vampires, zombedy, Zombies, zomcom
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The takeaway from horror between 72 and 82…sex bad!
Considering these are the kind of movies that educated me in my formative years, I’m proof positive that horror movies do not give rise to psycho murderers. However, they may spawn bratty gay guys with Peter Pan Syndrome who are … Continue reading
Posted in Johnny You ARE Queer - Gay Thoughts, Living in the 80s - forever, Movie Times & Television Schedules - Staying Entertained, The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged Blood Freak, cannibals, gay horror, ghosts, slashers, supernatural, Tenderness of the Wolves, The Brood, The Entity
Ooh, baby, baby! It’s The Lullaby vs. The Nursery
They both have babies, they both have supernatural bitches after those babies. So which one did I like better? THE LULLABY (2017) The Lullaby is yet another carefully polished supernatural film (all the perfectly timed scares and ideally framed shots … Continue reading
Posted in The Evil of the Thriller - Everything Horror
Tagged ghosts, slashers, supernatural, The Lullaby, The Nursery
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When a killer instinct leaves you with bones and dead birds
As I continue to dig through my collection for movies I haven’t blogged about yet, it’s time for three from the early 2000s about people trapped in a house or building. KILLER INSTINCT (2001) When a movie randomly begins with … Continue reading