Sexy cheesy gay vampire fun for fans of The Lair and Dante’s Cove


If the Here! TV network series Dante’s Cove and The Lair were guilty pleasures for you, then don’t hesitate to check out the Vampire Boys movies. The first film even stars the awesome Dylan Vox of The Lair, and once again, he’s flashing his fangs. But this time, he’s not a bitchy vampire delivering one-liners—and he also proves he has the best acting chops of the bunch.


In the first Vampire Boys, a vampire named Jasin has only a short time left to turn a mortal into his eternal beloved, otherwise he and his brood will be dust. Jasin already has a girlfriend more than willing to turn vamp for him, but a cute young guy named Caleb moves to L.A. and Jasin realizes that this is who he wants to spend all eternity with. This causes conflict with his brood. It’s going to take time for Jasin to seduce Caleb, and time is running out.

There’s bad dialogue and bad acting, but it’s got cute guys, plenty of nudity, and some great campy moments and funny lines, like a comical bi-sexual threesome in the woods and a vampire hissy fit hissing fight. The only downside for me was that the vampires are able to go outside during the day; the overall horror tone of the movie would have been much better if it all took place at night.

Vampire Boys 2: The New Brood brings back many of the same characters, but they’ve all been recast. I think this one is even campier than the first. In this one, a vampire named Demetrius, who has a grudge against Jasin, decides to create his own vampire army to take down Jasin’s brood. So he has “try outs” in a local boxing gym. He simply pits guys against each other in a fighting match; whoever wins becomes a vampire while the other guy becomes dinner.


Vampire Boys 2: The New Brood is funnier and much sexier than the first film, with a gorgeous cast, tons of nudity, and lots of very impressive full-frontal shots. You might also recognize a cute face from the awesome gay horror film Bite Marks.

If sexy gay horror soap opera antics are your thing, check out the Vampire Boys movies. And yes, the ending of part 2 offers the promise of a third film. Of course both films earn a spot on the complete homo horror movieshomo horror movies page.

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at
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