Rich frat boys better cover each other’s butts!


Based on what I’d read about the 2007 film Skull & Bones before I watched it, I thought it was going to be a sadistic, vicious, hard-to-watch gay torture porn flick. What I got instead was a gay exploitation flick that has plenty of sexual torture… presented with dark humor and gross out humor!

But fear not. If you’re easily offended or easily disturbed, Skull & Bones will definitely insult you. It’s basically a gay version of misogynistic grindhouse exploitation rape movies…with guys as the victims instead of beautiful young women.

skull and bones butt

Nathan and Justin, two gay college dudes, are bored with having sex with each other. They love horror movies and revenge flix, particularly buzzed cut cutie Nathan, who rattles off a laundry list of his favorites. So they decide to invite a really hot straight guy from class to their place, drug him, then butt fuck him.

skull and bones victim

The film doesn’t hesitate in going for the perversion! They screw the dude with a cucumber and a banana, give him an enema, then butt bang him. And then…he pukes. From both ends. And we see it! Oh yeah. It goes there. Shit humor. Things don’t go as planned, so they have to dispose of the body. They stick it in a couch and send it off for garbage pickup. If I had to guess, I would say this is an homage to the Brian De Palma classic Sisters.

Jacked with adrenaline, Nathan and Justin decide to rape and kill elitist, privileged, rich frat boys. If you’re a gay dude who thinks that the democratic left is your enemy, you’re going to hate this movie. It’s a total attack on the conservative right, with constant snide humor aimed at the haves and satirical use of masks—Clinton, Bin Laden, Hussein—as they rape the dudes, who they’ve place Bush masks on.

skull and bones masks

This movie HATES Bush. That’s George W., not pube forest. I don’t particularly like excessive political commentary in my horror, but I did find it rather funny when one of their rich victims begging for his life was like, “But I’m not a republican! My family is liberal democrat!” I’d say that’s a little jab at the rapists, because they are so obsessed with generalizing who their enemies are that they only see in black and white.

I got a chuckle out of how they score their victims; they sit in a truck and when one passes by, they lure him inside. The pick up conversation is always exactly the same, showing how interchangeable these shallow, non-individual rich frat boys are. The mockery even extends eventually to a rich father, who is more worried about his money than his son when he gets a ransom note. Oh yeah. This movie has a major agenda.

skull and bones leads

It really is a very satirical film. The two gay guys give exaggerated, over-the-top performances, so despite the horrible things they do to the men, you can’t really take it seriously. Cutie Derrick Wolf in particular is great and campy in his performance. And you gotta love his Dr. Giggles shirt.


Even all the sex acts are over-the-top and absurd and shot as such with a comic edge. There’s sodomy with a baseball bat and a broom handle. There’s a cigar scene (another political wink wink). They dress one dude in drag. They make horrible derogatory and humiliating comments through cheesy porn dialogue. They spooge on the guys. There’s castration and nothing is left to the imagination. Blech.

skull and bones cucumber

And then, when you think it can’t get any more ridiculous, they talk about zombie lore and decide to resurrect one dude as their zombie slave! So they do this whole sort of satanic ritual, which leads to a rather disappointing and abrupt ending!

skull and bones snake

Skull & Bones is a trashy bad taste film that totally exploits gay sex but has a real charismatic lead in the awesome Derrick Wolf. As gross and offensive as it is, the only part that made me uncomfortable was a dragging scene played for laughs. It reminds me of that horrible racist incident in Texas years back, and it’s just a really sensitive issue that has never left my mind. Yes. I’m admitting that something in a movie bothered my jaded soul.

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at
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2 Responses to Rich frat boys better cover each other’s butts!

  1. Joshua Skye says:

    I’d have to agree with every point you made. I enjoyed the movie for exactly what it is, trashy political satire and sexploitation. Fun!

  2. Pingback: Bringing the man behind Out in the Dark into the light - BOYS, BEARS & SCARESBOYS, BEARS & SCARES

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