These human monsters are like fish out of water

They morph with humans and become blood-thirsty creatures! Awesome. Let’s get right into this feeding frenzy.


Half-man, half-croc? I’m in! On top of that, Crocodylus opens with first a lesbian couple then a little boy getting attacked! Now that’s how you start a hybrid human-croc party.

No one cares about the lesbians, but a search is immediately on for the little boy. A team of experts is assembled to determine what the threat is. The mayor doesn’t want to close the lake for the holiday weekend. You know the drill.

There’s also some lore introduced about how the Crocodylus came to be, and I think it’s more nightmarish than the Crocodylus main storyline, which is basically similar to any SyFy original plot from back in the day.

The movie, sadly, doesn’t show the creature until the last four minutes, and it’s only briefly. Plus, the kills are all off-screen, with just blood splatters coming into frame. Good news is the “director’s cut”, as it’s labeled on Tubi, is only 70 minutes long, so the pacing is pretty good. Unfortunately, the big climax is not so big. It’s really anticlimactic.

The one funny part of the movie? The missing boy’s last name is Dingle, so everyone keeps referring to him as “the Dingle boy”. All this trouble just to locate a dingleberry?


How do you fix a franchise about a human-croc hybrid after the first film was underwhelming? Make it an all-out comedy creature feature with plenty of scenes featuring the rubber suit creature.

Two connect the two films, one guy from the previous movie appears in the opening attack, where the farcical tone is immediately established.

Next, a woman hires a private detective to find her brother, who she’s convinced has become a Crocodylus. They become somewhat of a comedy team, and the countless kills are pure camp. Love it.

The Crocodylus even ends up in a bra at one point, there’s monster mouth POV, there’s a shirtless hottie, there’s a slapstick sex scene, there’s a kooky scientist, and there’s a tag after the closing credits that promises a sequel…and it looks like it might be Crocodylus vs. Bigfoot. I’m so there for it.

BAD FISH (2024)

This indie effort is another water creature/human hybrid movie, and it has a trippy, Dagon-like vibe to it, so I kinda liked it.

After a drunken fisherman says his crew was attacked by something inhuman and body parts start washing up on the shore, an investigation is underway.

There’s a mermaid angle to this one, but it’s really about a human-fish legend and a sort of cult protecting the creature’s existence, culminating in a nasty cannibalism/sex scene. Eek!

We once again get an awesome rubber suit monster, and the ending is quite dark, twisted, and satisfying.

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at
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