Sex and the circus

Here Comes the Devil and The Last Circus have only two things in common. For starters, they are both Spanish language films. Second, they are both pretty fucked up and completely unpredictable, making them perfect for a double feature.


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It starts off with lesbian sex followed by a chick having her first period. And amazingly, I didn’t shut it off immediately. It helps that a crazed killer is interjected between the two—and he’s naked.

The focus of Here Comes the Devil is an unhappily married couple with a son and daughter. Things seem to be looking up when they go on a family trip, the kids go off to explore a nearby mountain…and dad fingers mom while they each describe how they lost their virginity to other people.

In the meantime, the kids disappear, which negates all the good the finger loving did as mom and dad blame each other. But the kids are finally found…and they are not the same. They are weird. And creepy. So the parents conclude something sexual was done to them while they were gone. And they plan to do something about it.

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Here Comes the Devil is no run-of-the-mill horror flick. It’s filled with sexual themes, death and violence, and freaky supernatural shit, and goes places you would never imagine. And it will grab you right from the start.


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Álex de la Iglesia, director of the insane Witching and Bitching (I blog about it here), one of my favorite horror flicks, takes us to the carnival in this crazy, vicious clown revenge flick.

Beginning in the deep of the Spanish Civil War fight, a drafted clown in drag proceeds to take down hordes of enemies with a machete.

Flash ahead to the 1970s, and his grandson gets a job as the sad clown at a circus. Sad clown also falls in love with the acrobat chick…the girlfriend of his big boss clown, a mean, drunken, abusive man.

Once acrobat chick starts to take a shine to sad clown, shit gets whacked! Naturally, big boss clown clown finds out they are spending time together. Brutal violence ensues, both clowns end up with deformed faces, and sad clown goes on a wild killing spree!

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It becomes a fight to the death as the clown monsters battle for the babe. And once again, director Álex de la Iglesia gives us a dark yet oddly comic experience like none other. You simply can’t look away from his films.

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at
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One Response to Sex and the circus

  1. joshuaskye says:

    Oh, MUST sees!!!!

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