Love Bites – the fangs are out in this sexy silly gay vampire comedy

love bites cover

Back in 1992, when gay horror movies were mere monsters in the closet, gay porn star Kevin M. Glover wrote and starred as a vampire in the low-budget comedy Love Bites. 


I’m talking low-budget. There are only four main characters. It only runs an hour. It’s all dialogue and has no special effects. It’s shot directly on video…which essentially makes it look like a porn (most of the acting adds to that feel). And there are a couple of very hot sex scenes with full frontal. Combined with the star’s notoriety, Love Bites seems to get written off as a “softcore porn.”

love bites bed boys

It’s not a softcore porn. It’s a very simple tale of a young geeky vampire hunter who, with the help of a flamboyant hustler with a bangin’ bod, plans to drive his wood stake through a handsome vampire (not a euphemism)…but then falls in love with him.

love bites vamp and lead

I’ll admit. It’s cheap and cheesy and the love story is goofy, but I can’t deny that two guys steal the show and bring some camptastic humor—the hustler and the vampire’s Igor-esque assistant. If this were a better quality movie that didn’t feel like a filmed stage performance, they really would have shined.

love bites vamp and igor

Love Bites totally brings me back to the period from which it was made. In the opening scene, the cute young geeky vampire hunter’s room is plastered with horror movie posters from the video store age (which is the only reason I posted those pix of the naked guys above…look closely and you’ll see the Once Bitten poster). Plus, there are acid wash jeans and references to Elvira and the Care Bears!

love bites star

No, it’s not Chandler Bing.

Hell. I think Glover should consider revising the script and trying to remake this one on a bigger budget. But I’d urge him not to take out the incredibly erotic sex scenes no matter what the more prudish gay horror fans say. I like my horror hot!

love bites cast

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at
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