So the market is trying to get Christmas lovers to switch over to the LED lights for their decorating needs because strings of LED lights conserve energy. I could sure use some energy conservation, because when i turn on all my Christmas lights outside my house, you pretty much can’t turn on any other electric in the house without blowing a fuse. But, LED lights are flat out SCARY. I’m walking my dogs in the dark after work last night, looking at everyone’s beautiful, brightly lit outdoor Christmas decor, when I suddenly get to this ‘dark’ spot on the block. But it wasn’t actually dark. It was those frickin LED lights on this one house, casting a gloomy, eerie glow. I felt like I had walked onto the set of a Dario Argento horror movie as I was bathed in creepy hues of green, red and blue. Yeah. When it comes to Christmas, LEDs are not gonna cut it. Christmas is is supposed to be calm and bright…not Dead Calm.
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