Shrooms is kind of trippy but wears off fast


I finally got the “unseen edition” of Shrooms on Blu-ray…which has something like 1 minute more of footage. Whatever. Here goes.

What could possibly go wrong when a bunch of kids heads into the Ireland wilderness in search of drugs, immediately hit an animal with their truck, and run into a couple of weapon-wielding rednecks who eat roadkill for dinner?

shrooms cast

Shrooms may seem like your ordinary backwoods slasher, when in fact…it kind of is. You really expect something more complex will be going on considering the bad shrooms are supposed to give you some seriously psychic powers and there are stories of evil doings in this spooky forest.

shrooms mushroom

Not the most lovable cast of characters, this group is whiny, fights, acts obnoxious, farts, and talks about tampons. And the lead chick spends most of her time gasping as she comes back from her trippy episodes. It gets really annoying really fast.

shrooms cutie

However, Shrooms is a visually eerie film, from the color palette to the shots of a hooded creep walking amongst the trees in a very Silent Hill Pyramid Head way.

shrooms creep through woods

There are some good kills, some hallucinogenic setups (including a talking cow in the middle of the woods), and some tension and jump scares. There are also the repulsive rednecks, who drool on a regular basis and live in a house that looks like Jason’s home in Friday the 13th Part II.  Which made me wonder why that dumb chick goes in it!

shrooms killer

The big letdown of Shrooms is that you wait for a surprise twist, something that’s really going to blow your mind…the way High Tension did. Instead, you pretty much guess exactly what’s going on from the very beginning. You spend the entire movie saying to yourself, “It can’t be THAT obvious.” Oh yes it can! Hey, wait. Maybe THAT is the twist! Bwah hah hah!

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at
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