Looking for Mr. Right? Find’m and you’ll regret it…

simon graves findmThe possible dangers of gay hookup apps are already a reality. But in his gay horror short story collection Find’m, author Simon Graves pits men, both openly gay and closeted, against a myriad of evil men and mysterious creatures of the night…all because they are looking for sex on an app called Find’m, which is the one connecting thread between the stories. We are introduced to different men in different situations every time. And we never do learn what exactly the evil is behind Find’m. We just get the message—stay the hell off it!

Here’s a breakdown of the stories:

Into Brains? – This is actually one of my favorites in the collection. A Find’m hookup leads a guy to an apartment next to the old haunted iron works that terrified him as a kid. And then comes the twist….

First Time – Combine a hookup app with an underground club and you are asking for some serious trouble.

Burned Before – Another favorite, this is a tale of paranormal revenge involving a student’s crush on one of his fellow classmates.

Train 182 – A Find’m hookup on a train turns into a do or die situation for a man…and everyone on the train.

Hook Up – A married man poking around for men in the park learns a lesson about fucking around behind his wife’s back.

Got Pics? – A man obsessed with taking the perfect selfie discovers he’s not alone in the camera lens.

Lone Wolf – As you can probably guess from the title of this one, a Find’m hook up turns into a hairy situation. But it’s not as predictable as you think.

Insatiable – Beware. Even incubuses are using hookup apps now.

simon graves shirtess

Here’s Simon in serious thought about his next story….

He’s Closer – What would you do if someone on a hookup app began begging you to come save him from the madman holding him captive?

Another Headless Torso – Love this story. A man can’t get a guy on Find’m to send a pic that shows more than just a body shot. So he goes to meet the guy face-to-face. Or so he thinks.

45 Degrees – A Find’m connection leads a military vet suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to fear his home is being invaded.

Looking? – Remember the “Thanks for the ride, lady!” story from Creepshow 2? Add a gay hookup app twist and you’ve got the final suspenseful tale in this quick read.

If you want to know more about author Simon Graves, you’ll Find’m here. Click on over…if you dare.

simon graves shirt

About Daniel

I am the author of the horror anthologies CLOSET MONSTERS: ZOMBIED OUT AND TALES OF GOTHROTICA and HORNY DEVILS, and the horror novels COMBUSTION and NO PLACE FOR LITTLE ONES. I am also the founder of BOYS, BEARS & SCARES, a facebook page for gay male horror fans! Check it out and like it at www.facebook.com/BoysBearsandScares.
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